West Virginia Chapter
Official State Chapter of the National Wrestling Hall of Fame
Welker Publishes Latest Book, “The Eyes Of A Wrestler”
Award-winning author and educator Dr. Bill Welker, who received the Lifetime Service to Wrestling award from our West Virginia Chapter in 2008, has published his latest book, “The Eyes Of A Wrestler.”
VISIT author's website -> billwelkerwrestling.com
Welker, the last Shamokin (Pennsylvania) High School state wrestling champion in 1963 (when he was a sophomore), has spent his entire adult life, coaching, officiating and writing about wrestling as a teacher, coach and administrator in Wheeling, West Virginia.
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You can be whatever you desire in this sport because wrestling truly is for everyone!
Our Mission: To honor the sport of wrestling by preserving its history, recognizing extraordinary individual achievements, and inspiring future generations