Florida Chapter
Official State Chapter of the National Wrestling Hall of Fame
NWHOF Tournament / Ashley Sword Clinic Makes Debut @Tampa Jesuit
Tampa Jesuit High School was the perfect venue for the first of a kind Florida Chapter sponsored USA tournament complete with an Ashley Sword Clinic. Thanks to the host Tigers and wrestling coach Sal Basile the event was special. An out of the ordinary coaches hospitality room was an amenity rarely if ever seen at an off season event. Three styles were offered for boys and girls, while participants came as far away as Ft Lauderdale to compete. With outstanding support from the Florida Board we were able to fulfill our mission with the Florida Wrestling Museum display and T-shirt sales. Thanks to MyHOUSE, NWCA and Combs Service for your support. Thank you Lisa Burns, Bob Burns, Don Smith, Alan Solomon, Cecelia Solomon, Gary Townsend, Pete Collins, Sam Agresti and Bob Thomas.
[caption id="attachment_1991" align="aligncenter" width="318"] Ashley Sword Head Coach Life University[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_1991" align="aligncenter" width="318"] Ashley Sword Head Coach Life University[/caption]