Florida Chapter
Official State Chapter of the National Wrestling Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame has Big Presence in Silver Spurs Arena: FHSAA States 2018
Board members Gary Townsend, Bill Combs, Bob Burns, Pete Collins and Bob Thomas manned the HOF booth and display over the two day event held in Kissimmee. They had additional help from Alan Solomon and Melanie Combs. The display included photos, a powerpoint, the Honors Trophy and many programs from past state tournaments dating back to 1977. The booth attracked many interested fans and we got to meet all 7 of 2018 honorees. At 6pm 44 HOF alumni gathered for the parade of champions on the floor of the Silver Spurs Arena. Many alumni were busy working as officials and coaches. The evening culminated with the Wrestling Parade of Champions which included the introduction of HOF alumni and the Class of 2018.