Walter Price

Walter V. Price, Jr. is one of the finest athletes ever to graduate from Columbia High School and Millersville State College. While at Columbia he participated in football, wrestling and baseball, where he was All-County in all three sports. While at Millersville, Walt lettered 4 years each in football, wrestling and baseball. In 1961 Walt became the Head Wrestling Coach at Donegal High School, where he coached for 14 years. In 1973 Walt felt he needed a new wrestling room, so with the help of his wrestlers and the community he built a 50' X I 00' wrestling room which is still used as a wrestling room today. In 1976 he became an assistant coach at Manheim Central, where he stayed for 22 years. During this time he assisted 4 different head coaches, assisted in a record of 227 wins, I 07 losses and 6 ties and experienced 5 young men becoming state champions. One of his former wrestlers states, "His drive to be his best person, was transferred and influenced all of his wrestlers. "Athletes work diligently for a man who has a fire burning to succeed. Walt is so much more than I alluded to, but know that for me he is a hero, a "second" father." This statement from another former wrestler: "I was blessed to play all three sports he coached at Donegal High School. Only my father has had a greater influence on my life." Walt still resides in Columbia.


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