Roger Miller

Roger Miller has done it all. As a coach, he developed a successful program in the small venue of Candor, New York, beginning as a club sport in 1964 and rising to become the Tri-County Coach of the Year by 1966. From 1965 to 1975, Roger coached every wrestler in the Candor school system; varsity, JV and modified levels. His high school team won 93 matches while losing only 43, usually against larger, well-established programs. He coached numerous Class D and IAC champions. As an official, Roger has been active in the South Central Wrestling Officials Association since 1964, serving as Secretary, the most thankless of jobs, from 1969 to 1996. He was the Rules Interpreter for the SCWOA for seven years. He still serves as Assignor, as he has done since 1984. Whenever needed, he has served as state representative for Section 4 in officials' organizational meetings. He officiated at the New York State Championships in 1977 and 1979, as well as many Section 4 Championships. He also serves as a member of the Executive Board in which capacity he helps direct scholarship money to worthy high school wrestlers. Over the last six years, Roger Miller has been in charge of the training of all new officials in the SCWOA, many of whom have refereed Sectional Championships. The quality of the up and coming officials in the area is a tribute to his dedication to the sport. Not busy enough with the important spot, Roger is also very active as an umpire at the high school, American Legion and Babe Ruth levels. Naturally, he is a leader in the Ithaca Umpires' Association. A lover of nature and the outdoors, Roger is an internationally recognized champion grower of dahlias, having won seven major shows in the United States and Canada. Roger Miller's countless hours of effort as a coach, an official, an assignor, a teacher and a promoter of education and the quality of the sport, have earned him the lasting gratitude of all of us and his place in this Hall.


Lifetime Service to Wrestling
New York - Upstate

Our Mission: To honor the sport of wrestling by preserving its history, recognizing extraordinary individual achievements, and inspiring future generations