Sherwood Hollobaugh

The late Sherwood S. Hollobaugh came to Manheim in 1927 after graduation from Penn State. During the next 40 years he was a leader, who exercised tremendous influence by virtue of his ability, integrity, and example. Roy Phillips said it best, "Sherwood Hollobaugh had a great influence on wrestling in the Lancaster area. His long association and influence with Manheim Central Athletics saw the continuation of the impressive standards set by Paul Stem, the first wrestling coach, and the line of outstanding and successful coaches to follow. His association with Manheim Central athletics in both administrative and coaching capacities was during a period of growth and change for the sport of wrestling. He had tremendous impact, during his service as Chairman of the Pennsylvania District Three Committee. Holly, as his friends called him, always had the athlete at the center of his attention while he was the Athletic Director and made his decisions on what was best for the athlete. He was a friend to students, loved people and activities, and lived life to the fullest. Everyone could always depend on him to think first and then act as he thought best for the situation at hand. Holly was still AD when he passed away in Dec. 1969.


Lifetime Service to Wrestling

Our Mission: To honor the sport of wrestling by preserving its history, recognizing extraordinary individual achievements, and inspiring future generations