Michael Bonham

According to Mike Bonham, some handicap persons have limitations put upon them by other people. They put limits on the handicap that, maybe, shouldn't be there. Mike speaks from experience because, officially, he is a "handicapped" person. As a result of a bicycle accident, Mike lost his right leg below the knee, when he was seven years old. Mike began his competitive sports career while in elementary school. Mr. Walt Price, who would become his high school coach, encouraged him to wrestle. In 1969 Mike graduated from Donegal High School with an outstanding career record of 47 wins, 12 losses and 2 ties. After receiving a Graphic Arts degree from Williamsport Community College, Mike decided to take up skiing. During the next several years he received many awards for his competitive skiing. In 1981 he won a gold medal in the giant slalom at the National Handicap Olympics. As if wrestling and skiing were not enough, he also has surfed on the East Coast and in Hawaii. He also does very well in water skiing on the Susquehanna River. In 1994 and 1995 he won first place overall, sailing in The Haven Yacht Club Race Series. Besides the competitive sports, Mike is regional sales director for the Anitec Division of International Paper Corporation. As in sports, he has won several awards for excellence from his company. He is married to Laura Davis and they have a 13-year old son, Bradley Michael.


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