Wayne Hershey

Wayne Hershey graduated from Columbia High School in 1955. He earned a BS at Millersville, and Master's Degrees from Temple & Penn State Universities. From 1960-1985, he worked over 350 high school and college Meets, and 79 tournaments, many as the head official. In 22 of the years, he refereed in Sectional, District and Regional events, including the State Championships in 1982 and 1984. Wayne did collegiate events at Millersville & Lebanon Valley at no cost for nearly 15 years to promote growth of the sport. He officiated in an Olympic freestyle qualifier, at a Christian College national qualifier, and in the National Christian Tournament held at Liberty College. Wayne was a Director in the Lancaster County Wrestling Officials Chapter for 25 years, President for 2 years, Interpreter and Assigner for 3 years. He helped organize the Berks County Officials Chapter. He was an assistant coach at Governor Mifflin 3 years and Columbia 4 years, and started the Columbia Elementary Wrestling Program. Wayne served on a committee to construct a wrestling room for the Columbia Youth Program. The VFW awarded him a certificate for his Service to Youth in the community. Wayne was on the committee to recognize "50 Years of Columbia Wrestling." He covered wrestling events for The Columbia News, and he assisted in compiling the "History of Lancaster-Lebanon Wrestling" booklet. In 1993, Wayne was a member of the National Wrestling Association which became the PA Chapter of the National Wrestling Hall of Fame. Overall, he has been involved in support of wrestling for over 60 years. Wayne and his wife, Marcella, live in Columbia, where they raised two children. Thank you for your dedication Wayne Hershey, and welcome into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame!


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