Bob Pankake

Robert Pankake, Jr. was born in Dauphin Country and attended Hershey High School where he lettered in football, baseball and wrestling. After high school, Bob knew he still enjoyed the sport of wrestling, so he pursued an officiating career. Bob worked local, national and world wrestling matches in his 30-year career. He always had time to officiate the youth programs ranging from 5 years old to seniors in high school. His collegiate career was equally as impressive as his high school career, as he was one of the top rated officials in the country. Maybe the least known fact is Bob's international ranking with FILA. For 7 years his ranking was 1st in the world. His extensive international wrestling resume includes 6 Inter-Service Games, 26 World Games, Jr. Worlds, World Cup and Sombo. His officiating was during a time when AAU and USA Federation were competing with each other and Bob helped bridge the gap between the two organizations. One of his fellow officials from that era, Bobby Walton of Oklahoma, said, "You could always count on "Bob Pankake" to do what was right and he helped all the young officials." For his career as an official, he is being honored tonight with the "Lifetime Service to Wrestling" Award.


Lifetime Service to Wrestling

Our Mission: To honor the sport of wrestling by preserving its history, recognizing extraordinary individual achievements, and inspiring future generations