Rod Frisco

Rod Frisco is a 1975 graduate of Clearfield High School where he played football and wrestled. His career varsity record was 0-0, but when you wrestle at Clearfield some of the best never wrestled varsity. But that's OK, as Rod was to make his mark in wrestling doing something not many people in the country do, and that is become a sportswriter. His writing began while in high school for the Progress Paper in Clearfield. The paper received various awards and citations for its school wrestling coverage. In 1981, Rod became a sportswriter for the Tribune-Democrat in Johnstown, where he initiated the first set of District 5 and 6 wrestling rankings. He was only the second reporter in the state doing such rankings and in 1983 was named District 6 Man of the Year by the wrestling coaches. In 1985 he left the Tribune to become a sportswriter for the Patriot-News in Harrisburg. For the next 24 years, Rod was the main sportswriter not only in District III, but was well known and respected through the state. He wrote more than 1500 wrestling-related stories, an average of 60 per year. In 1990, he became only the second person to win the National Wrestling Media Award for excellence at the NCAA Wrestling Championships in Oklahoma City. The only other two-time winner is his good friend from State College, Doug McDonald. Twice he received the Pennsylvania Wrestling Round-up's Award for Media Excellence. Although Rod is now retired from print media, you can still find Rod working his wrestling media magic on the internet. For his Excellence as a Media Contributor, he is being honored with the "Lifetime Service to Wrestling" Award.


Lifetime Service to Wrestling

Our Mission: To honor the sport of wrestling by preserving its history, recognizing extraordinary individual achievements, and inspiring future generations