Dick Ford

 Wrestling Official Lower Columbia Association:  1971 to present

Kalama Middle School Head Wrestling Coach:  2007-2018

Youth Wrestling Coach Rainier, Oregon and Kelso, Washington:  16 years

Dick Ford wrestled in high school for three years and was a two-year college wrestler at Lower Columbia Community College where he was team captain for two years and placed 3rd in the 1966 State Junior College Tournament.  Ford continued wrestling at Washington State University where he was team captain his senior year and placed third in the Pac 8 Championships advancing to wrestle in the National Tournament in 1969.  He served as the WSU Freshman Coach for the 1969-1970 season.  In 1971 he began his wrestling officiating career with the Lower Columbia Wrestling Officials Association.  

Ford, during his 51+ year wrestling officiating career, has officiated in 28 Washington State Wrestling Tournaments and 30 years of post-season league, district, and regional tournaments.  He has served as the President of the Lower Columbia Association from 1995-2023. Dick served as the Assigning Secretary for the Lower Columbia Association for 5 years and was an Official’s Evaluator at the State Tournament for 4 years.

Wrestling Officiating has been a huge part of Ford’s life.  His friends and family say, “It’s in his blood.”  In recognition of his commitment to wrestling and officiating, Dick has been recognized by the Greater St. Helens League with their Honor Award for Contributions to Athletics/Activities in 2010.  The National Federation of Interscholastic Officials Association honored Ford with the 1997 National Distinguished Contribution Award.  He received the Washington Officials Association Meritorious Service Award in 2016 and was the Washington Wrestling Official of the Year in 2022. 

In addition to his wrestling officiating Dick has coached wrestling at Kalama Middle School (12 years) and Club levels (16 years) in the greater Kelso area.  Ford served as the Kelso Youth League President from 1990-2018.  He was inducted into the Kalama School District Hall of Fame in 2022.  Beyond wrestling he also coached baseball for 20 years and soccer for 5 years. 

Ford retired from the Weyerhaeuser Forestry as Director of the Forest Learning Center at Mount St. Helens.  Ford currently resides in Kelso, Washington with his wife Leigh.  They have 5 adult children:  Richie, Judie, Cory, Collyn and Spencer.  Additionally, they have 5 grandchildren: Seth, Ellie, Cole, Henry, and George and one great grandchild, Dani.


Lifetime Service to Wrestling

Our Mission: To honor the sport of wrestling by preserving its history, recognizing extraordinary individual achievements, and inspiring future generations