Rick Lowry

Rick Lowry an official for almost 40 years. He passed away unexpectedly and too early in the spring 2018. Several of the coaches did some officiating at some point in their careers, but they are coaches and it's pretty tough to do or be both. Although I wish they would. I wish more coaches officiated and officials coached (only briefly). It would make each better, each more compassionate and knowledgeable about their own craft. Rick tried it. He assisted Lipscomb for a few years...and he was a referee's nightmare. He did all the things he told younger officials not to allow-just have to laugh. Rick was filled with so much passion for the sport and for life. He is dearly missed. Rick was a leader in the Middle TN Wrestling Officials Association holding several different offices. Mentoring young men has always had a special place in Rick's heart.

Rick held multiple officer positions in MTWOA, was Mid TN Official of the Year, and selected to over 20 state tournaments. Rick was always a big thinker. If a top tier 16-man tournament was a good thing-why don't we invite EVERYONE. Wrestle for three days. Have Olympic caliber wrestlers teach technique...and while we are here together...pray together. There was no stopping him. Rick always saw the good in everyone. He thought wrestling could change the world. He was a business man, church deacon, passionately involved in Inner-City Ministries, wrestling referee but most of all a devoted husband and father.


Lifetime Service to Wrestling

Our Mission: To honor the sport of wrestling by preserving its history, recognizing extraordinary individual achievements, and inspiring future generations