Robert Busby

Bob Busby is one of the most successful coaches in New York.

He had a 325-143 career record in 36 years as the wrestling coach at Port Washington's Paul Schreiber High School.

A Long Islander all his life, Bob entered the world of wrestling at Plainedge High School where Coach Lou Scuteri both taught and inspired him. Bob then moved on to Hofstra where he wrestled for Coach Pete Damone. While student teaching at Manhasset High School he stepped into his first varsity coaching position with the help of a recommendation of former Coach Scuteri, now an administrator in the Glen Cove schools.

Unfortunately Manhasset had no teaching position for him, but Port Washington had an opening for both a history teacher and wrestling coach which Bob accepted.

Port Washington Athletic Director Al Whitney figured that the new guy from Plainedge and Hofstra could turn around a languishing program. Bob worked to build a team that would live up to his standards as well as the ones he inherited from Coach Scuteri. Bob enjoyed early success in his second year when his 180-pound Nassau County champion Nate Jordan won the 1967 New York state championship. Although he had no more state champions, Bob's teams garnered their share of individual and team titles over his long career.

Bob readily attributes his success to great assistant coaches such as Paul Jones, John Mulada, John Doscher, Dan Wetzel, and Anthony Schettino who succeeded him as head coach at Port Washington.

Coaching is especially difficult for academic teachers, but Bob managed to find time to coach girls field hockey as well as wrestling. In addition he established and ran the Port Washington Youth Activities Kid Wrestling Program.

Even retirement couldn't keep Bob from wrestling. Ever the loyal alumnus, Bob is now in his fifth year of assisting the Hofstra coaching staff as a volunteer academic advisor. He monitors, advises, and counsels 25 student-athletes, mostly wrestlers. Another Hofstra wrestling connection is his membership on the Board of Directors of the Chief Ray Downey Wrestling Scholarship Fund.

Over the years public service has also given scope to Bob's talents. In 2003 he was inducted into the Port Washington Athletic Hall of Fame for serving on the Board of Directors of the Port Youth Activities and Commissioner of Youth Wrestling.

A long time resident of Roslyn, he joined the Roslyn Rescue Fire Department in 1970 and served in a variety of leadership capacities -President, Board of Governors, Board of Trustees. In 1999 the RRFD named Bob Fireman of the Year.

Among the many people endorsing his nomination into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame is the chairperson of the North Shore Fresh Air Fund. From 1967 to 1999 Bob took a child into his home for this program. One of these children still makes a point of visiting Bob each summer.

Renaissance man that he is, passive retirement does not rest well with Bob. Taking advantage of his United States Coast Guard and Merchant Marine credentials, he is the captain of a charter fishing boat on the East end of Long Island operating out of Greenport.

In addition, Bob serves as an adjunct professor of history at SUNY Suffolk.

Bob is understandably proud of his family. His two sons both wrestled for Roslyn High School, and his daughter married one of Bob's wrestlers.

Bob and his wife Anita reside in Peconic, Long Island where they enjoy visits from their children and four grandchildren.


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