Jeremy Feldbush

Jeremy a 6' 3" 24-year-old High School wrestling champion from the small town of Blairsville with dreams of becoming a doctor, had his dreams changed one afternoon in April 2003. After graduating from the University of Pittsburgh, Jeremy decided to join the Army to travel the world. Now the only place he can go by himself is the 40 steps from his bed to the living room. Jeremy, an Army Ranger specialist serving in Irag was seriously injured. In fact, the neurosurgeon told his parents he had no good explanation why Jeremy recovered from his wounds. He suffered severe head injuries and is blind, but today is learning Braille. For overcoming insurmountable injuries, the National Wrestling Hall of Fame will honor Jeremy with the "Medal of Courage." Jeremy does motivational speaking and advised, "Every time you see a soldier, pat them on the back and thank them for everything they did.'' Thank You, Jeremy for your sacrifice!


Medal of Courage

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