Mark James

Mark James has been a professional wrestling fan for almost his entire life. He first began watching in 1973 while visiting his grandparents, who had pro wrestling on their television every Saturday night. “It was like a light switch clicking on in my head,” recalls James. “From that day forward, I was hooked.”

Growing up in Memphis, Tennessee in the days before cable television, James’ home territory was Jerry Jarrett’s Memphis Wrestling and it was his wrestling world. He began cutting out the weekly bout cards and results from the Memphis newspaper. For whatever reason, keeping the match history mattered to him. Mark discovered Stanley Weston’s wrestling magazines in 1977 and his wrestling world expanded quickly. A couple of years later, cable television arrived. Between television, magazines and attending local matches, it was a great time to be a wrestling fan.

With the advent of the internet, many classic regional wrestling territories became represented online. Memphis, however, was not. James felt a need to make sure that the amazing history of the wrestling he grew up with was not only remembered, but was documented correctly. He realized that national wrestling entities would not document the history of the territories, so he created the Memphis Wrestling History website.

James had no idea that the website would become a springboard to books, a more recognized form of history. He released his first book, Memphis Wrestling History: Cards, Matches & Results, 1970-1985. James has now released four dozen books, covering a wide array of regional territories (Atlanta, Florida, Mid-Atlantic, AWA, Detroit, Tennessee and Houston), wrestler autobiographies, programs and results. His books are available at

His goal has always remained the same, make sure that the amazing history of professional wrestling is accurately documented and preserved for future generations.


Jim Melby Award

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